Metricon Phoenix Mod 43

Metricon Phoenix Mod 43
Entry Digital - keyless

Saturday, 21 July 2012

getting ahead of ourselves - decoration

It's a trap when you embark on the "Dream Build" you are tempted to pre decorate the house. Luckly we have already acquired, collected, amassed a plethora of cool stuff. We still get tempted by "bargains" or curious item that will fit the space.

Bay Leather Republic is a magnet and we will be "adding" more of their product once we slide in. here are some of the eclectics that are waiting for the new home.

Metricon Marketing mmm

Drove by Saturday, and discovered we had the marketing wrap done by Metricon. Might not be much but its a nanometre step. Anyway looks better than home brand builders.

False Start - Get Ready, Get Set, Get Slow

Well the official site start has commenced on Wednesday 18th July. But that only means that the Shitter has arrived, the fence is in, the signage is up and the power pole is erected. But sadly thats as far as it got. Our site Supervisor said that the ground is to wet and spongy to start and they need to recheck the site measurement because the markers where destroyed by Jemena when they installed the electrical pit. Also Jemena installed the Pit on the opposite side of the property to where the Fuse box will go, despite having a copy of the plans. So Jemena get's the numb nuts award for both slowness, high cost and stupidity.

The Pit

Finally after 6 weeks of waiting / calling the electrical pit was installed by Jemena. Cost was a whopping $3,400. Arranging it yourself saves around $1,000 off the Metricon price, but you have to do all the arranging. We arranged the abolishment of the electricity, gas, and telecoms as well. The underground pit included running the cable under the road so we required additional cable which was $700. Even though we paid for the material and work Jemena say that ownership is theirs. Don't you just love the Victorian power industry.

They have since come back and re-cemented the footpath. So power is ready to rumble.